Friday, August 20, 2010

Lord, help me to love me.

This morning, as I stood outside the shower drying off, I began to criticize myself. Instantly I felt the Lord telling me that by the end of today I need to have a list of 50 features, characteristics, or talents that I like about myself. I told myself that I thought He meant 5... but He didn't.. lol. God means what He says. So right now it is 11:24 am, here it goes:

1. I have a changeable heart and spirit.

2. I love my smile.

3. I like that my chest isn't flat.

4. I have a way with kids and babies.

5. I'm good at math.

6. I have fantastic writing skills.

7. My eye's are pretty.

I'm stuck... I'll be back later to write more.

8. I am honest.

9. I'm down to earth.

10. I like that I always have a desire to be more of a woman of God.

This really is hard. I thought I would have like 20 or 25 already.

11. I love that I'm
girly but not overboard.

12. I love how romantic I am.

13. I love that although I quickly judge people, I don't start off treating them different if they aren't what I "like."

14. I like the fact that I am me.

15. I like the fact that I DON'T like "going with the flow."

16. I like that I am a helping hand.

17. My dreams and the fact that nobody is able to change them.

18. My height.

19. I like my photography and Picnik skills.

20. I love how easy it is to read me through my eyes.

21. I sincerely love that I have an intense desire and need for family.

22. I know how to cook.

23. I love hosting parties and celebrations.

24. I love celebrating and finding reasons to do so!!

One more and I'm halfway there. The last 13 came quickly.. now to think of 26 more. This actually isn't taking as long as I thought it would. I wonder if sometimes we just pick up dislike/and hatred to ourselves, from others. For instance, I hear someone say they don't like something about themselves, so then I start thinking about what I don't like about myself. And maybe instead of sitting in the fact that you dislike something, maybe we you should get up and change something. And maybe if the things you dislike are things where God has you, maybe you should pray that He give you a heart for them.

I know God has blessed me in many ways and with many things (features, characteristics, and talents).

So it's now 11:56 am for the next 26.. here we go:

25. I love my creativity.

26. I'm punctual.

27. I have a cuteness to me.

28. I love that I smile and share joy with strangers.

I'm stuck. Be back as soon as I think of something. This is hard.. it's getting me frustrated. God.. help.. please!

29. Hygiene

30. My posture

31. I love that when I'm happy I HAVE to share my joy!

32. I love my laugh of many colors.

33. I love that I have a princess heart.

34. I'm tender.

35. I pay my own bills.

36. I like that I look like my mother and father.

37. I like that I'm the oldest.

38. I am responsible.

39. I am trustworthy.

40. I can find joy in the hard times.

41. Optimistic.

42. I'm good at playing my flute.

43. I like that I'm not spoiled.

44. I like encouraging others.

45. I enjoy giving advice.

46. I am a forgiving person.

47. My ears are just the right size.

48. I love my natural hair color.

49. I love how mature I've become.

50. I like that have learned to trust.

Wow, now that was tough. It is 3:45pm.

God, I'm sorry I dishonored you by complaining about Your daughter, me. You created the person I am. Thanks for who I am. Althought I've messed myself up some, I thank You that I can easily get back on track. Help me to repect and like who I am. Help me to only learn more about myself and what You want for me in this next year.

1 comment:

  1. This is so good, Steph! :) ...Hang onto these words; these are the things that God has given you and put in you for a reason--and I mean that! Isn't it such a good feeling, learning to see the joy (even in little things) that He's placed in our lives?? :-)
